If you’re new to boxing and are in the market for the perfect pair of boxing gloves, you’ve come the right place. There are a huge variety of different styles of boxing gloves available today, this doesn’t even include the various sizes, brands, and prices of boxing gloves. With so many different options to choose from, it can feel overwhelming when shopping in-store or online for your best fit. We are here to help you find the best boxing gloves for beginners.

  • I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked:
  • “What’s the best boxing gloves for beginners?”

The truth is the answer will be based on many different factors including the specific training type that requires boxing gloves. One will prefer heavier gloves with extra padding on palm for protection during heavy bag training, while another will need extra padded boxing glove for sparring. If you’re a beginner looking for the best boxing gloves at an affordable price, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve put together 10 of the best boxing gloves for beginners available today. The first step to get started is to determine what glove size is going to be the best fit for you. The best boxing glove size for a beginner is typically based on what they will be training for.


Common boxing glove sizes are 8 oz, 10 oz, 14 oz, and finally 16 oz. It’s important to know your glove weight because it must fit your chosen training method. It’s good to know that professional boxers typically train in heavier gloves because they want their hands to be faster on fight night, compare this to a baseball batter that uses “bat weights” before stepping up to the plate. Heavier gloves, such as 14 and 16 oz, have more padding which means they offer better hand protection. Larger gloves are helpful for when you hit the heavy bag, mitts, and other boxing training aids. Sparring in larger gloves is also preferred because it’s safer than sparring with smaller gloves. You’re more likely to knock someone out (or get knocked out) when using lighter gloves. Lighter gloves, such as 10 or 12 oz, are commonly used in competition. The boxing gloves you wear should have a snug and comfortable fit, with your fingertips able to reach the top of your gloves and the ability for your hand to comfortably make a fist. Keep in mind that your glove will also need to fit your hand wraps (if you choose to protect your hands with hand wraps). If you don’t have hand wraps with your while shopping, get a roll of quarters in your palm and wear the boxing gloves.